Today I choose to address three kinds of ppl.. thats THREE..
1. Those that are not yet saved.
3. The Saved n growin
2. The Backslidden
na ni muhimu pia kwa ukurasa mmoja..
I donno all of us here n their spiritual status... so tunaanza na Altar call leo
So.. nani kati yetu angependa kump[okea Ysu Kristo kama Bwana na mkombozi wa maisha yake?
Word ya God haijachange.. John 3:16 is the same John 3:16 as of now... You could holla at me kwa my private msg .
MEanwhile the bible semaz that He stands knockin..N He will keep knockin - thats how His grace is patient.. do not keep him waitin...till its too late..
Too late is when His grace has run out...
So far so Good?
MEanwhile.. I will address the followin two groups of ppl..
Electronc equipments fail if they are bila power.. si ndio? Unless they are currently supplied with power ur phone charges are as useless MEanin... an Effective Christian needs to have a power source...constant power source that aint rationed. So those of us that are saved - I am - where do we draw our day to day power from?
Some gadgets like calculators run on battery....jaribu kuplug stima n it goes.. hata they aint got stima ports to begin with wich means...There are many power sources out there.. bt not all power sources power us....
ngroree so far?@ALL
Those few years av heard in salvation av learnt from great teachers n great ppl.. it is important to be watchful oin what powers you.... usikuwe unatumia battery ya PAKA POWER badala ya Chloride Exide
Now I can introduce the topic for the day... The Power Of A Christian...
How do we 'charge' n rcharge'? Where do we draw our power/strength from..
There are 6 concrete sources of power or strength for a Christian..
1. JEsus Christ in ME is power...
Whoever is in you should be greater than the one in the world
If Christ is not in You then you are probably running on temp power...which means u may be goin down any time soon And the only way to experience JEsus power in You is through salvation.
John 1:10-12..HE came to his own but his own did not accpet him... but to those that received him he gave the mandate to be called sons of God (paraphrase)
If u are saved.. u are one step ahead...
2. Holy Spirit of God in You is Power
John 4:24 teaches us that for us to be the true worshippers we copnfess tp be we need to be
worshippers in TRUTH n in SPIRIT. The Holy Spirit is the very essence of God. Without the Holy Spirit we cannot realize our giftings. The Holy SPirit of God helps you to maintain a Mwamba Focus. The Holy SPrit of God is a great Teacher in short, we ask for the fillin of the Holy Spirit from God..its in askin that we receive... niguo?
Movin on.. Galatians 5:16-25 has a great text on The Holy Spirit.. First... the text teaches n quickens us that we should walk in the Spirit so that we may not fulfil the desires of the flesh. VERY IMPORTANT. so it is fair to say that some of us r saved for some time n we still struggle from some baggage/addiction, we need a revistin of the Holy Spirit, not in half but in full. Walk in the SPirit.. Maintain in The Spirit... Dont walk in n out of the Spirit.. it wil be tragic for u out there walkin bila spirit ya God. So.. be watchful...
So far tumeona
1. Jesus Christ in Me is power... we are listin the sources of the Power of a Christian..
2. THe Holy SPirit in Meis power
So that takes us to Number 3..
3. The Word of God in Me is POWER
We go to skull even while over fifty jears because we value knowledge. You cannot tell me u are saved n cant remember the color of ur bible. We ought to work on our Salvation for it to bear fruit. I know most of us - atleast mimi - when we got saved thot its a ticket outta hell! But jus like we have manuals for electric gadgets God has given us a Manual for Basic
Instructions Be4 Livin Earth.
What does th bible sema in Hebrews 4:12? The Word of God is sharper than a double edged its a weapon. USE IT!
N God has been gracious enough to even grant us a manual He has personally inspired via His Holy Spirit n we sema God aint gracious..
So the Word of God is supposed to be a weapon.. Use a shield. The Word of God teaches, instructs, warns.. guides. So.. u are saved - fine - what manual do u run by? 2 Timothy 3:16 says "16All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking,
correcting and training in righteousness," Al give us more references.. PSalms 119:105 (His Word is a light unto our feet n light unto our
paths... Ephesisans 6:12-17.. the Full Armour
John 1:1-3. In teh beginnin there was the Word.. n the Word was with God.. n the Word was
I know most of us if not all already jua a zillion verses on faith coz the times we live in are hard like that. Faith in ME is POWER.
Without Faith we cannot please God.. Period.
There is FAITH.... then there is works.. but FAITH bila Works aiwes mek... in our day to day lives...has faith behind it. Which brings me to this query. What Faith runs you??
Put ur trust on man n woe to you.. how much more if u put ur faith on man?
The good Lord is gracious enough to not give us a headache on workin on our faith. He just requires us to have a mustard seed size of faith.. n mountains are moved.. But be careful ye of little faith... dont have a mustard seed faith n have that ur comfort zone..
work on increasin Ur faith by feedin on the word of God. Feed Your faith with the Word..MEmorise scripture to beef up ur faith in Christ.
Faith to a Christian is like Fuel in a moti aka car. A car cant move no inch bila fuel.. infact it will stall katikati ya barabara kama kuna jam.. Si ndio Dinah?? Do not b jus READERS fo the Word but be DOERS....n u achieve this thro faith. Again.. Wateva faith runs u is important..
Not all cars run on diesel....others like Phce's tuk tuk run on rum....others run on Petrori...
So again be watchful on what faith you subsribe. Just because a faith u subscribe says JESUS JESUS dont mean it will get u to heaven... I hope tunaelewana? Not every one that calls JEsus will see the Kingdom of be watchful n keen esp on the churches we attend.. n fellowship at.. SAWA?
More scriptural readin 1 John 5:4-6
FAith.. is what we have as FAther Abraham...90 years n no kid yet God refers to Abraham as His Friend, FAther of many nations. Faith is wat happend to Enoch of old - Genesis 5:20-24.. the jamaa walked with God till he was no more...
You gotta have FAITH!!!!!
Point number 5...
5. PRAYER in You is POWER...
We aint got it coz we havent asked. I know we say God is all knowin kwani hawezi jiambia ama kuona nina ubao akasort hiyo pizza pande hii? When God asks us to ask of Him.. it dont mean He donno wat we want.. He jus desires us to submit... He want us to be part of the miracle...So You ask .. HE will do the providin... its called TEAM EFFORT
Prayer is a Christian Life.. What is prayer kwanza... PRayer is simply talkin to n WITH God. I say talkin WITH because PRayer is supposed to be TWO WAY... most times its us doin the talkin.. n we talk to God too much we dont even hear His still small voice answerin our prayers... We forget that He too wants to talk... most times we go on fastin because we need God to do somthings for us.. PRay without ceasin is wot we are asked to do. Talk to God mpaka ikuwe ni kama kawaida. JEsus Taught the disciples how to do it... U dont need to be official.. God is God but remember He is a friend since He sticks closer than a brother - proverbs 18:24.. By the way, when did u guys last pray the Lord's Prayer?? :food-for-thot-:
Ephesians 4:6 teaches us to make our needs known to Him.. in prayre n supplication....
Matthew 6:33... Ask n it shall be given unto you...Seek u shall find.. Knock n it wil be opn to you... At times i know we pray n we do not recieve... The book of JAmes chapter 4 tells us why we dont receive... coz we pray so we go fulfill our own desires... it is my prayer that whatever we ask of God will be that which brings Him glory... Phil 4:19.. n He shall supply all ur needs accordin to His reaches in glory... Soo all we need... is ASK...
Be part of the miracle..pray.. converse with God.. n give him time pia aonge... Ephesians 6:18 is an additional task..
Movin on to my 6th n last point on The Sources of The Power of A Christian...
FASTING is power in ME
Am yet to find out in the bible where God addresses fastin on what it is... All over in the book ISaiah chapter 58... the bible starts like "When You fast.." Meanin we are expected to fast as part of our christian growth. I mean.. Jesus Himself being God-man yet he fasted some 40 days (am sure there are other fasts he did not mentioned)... how much more we?
FAstin is normally food related.. but that is not it... Fastin is simply time-off to go bond with God... FAsting is time off ur usual indulgences so u create an environment within that focuses wholly on God... Thats wat fastin is.... Mi si passie soooo am givin it as it is given frrom Above eh!!
But fastin is important.. Fastin makes your inner resources (for lack of better words) sharper towards God n things of God... U rem some demons that couldnt be chased because the particular type of demon as JEsus sed dotn chuck off till u fast??
Now... we need to learn somthin abt fastin... - N for the record.. i struggle too in fastin soo u r hearin this frm someone yet to be thoroughly disciplined in this field eh.. But most of us fast when we need a miracle NOW!!!
Tell me somthin, the disciples of Jesus are havin war with some demons that wont just listen to them, is that time the right time to fast??? when u are havin a drama be4 u??
Fastin n prayer go hand in hand by the way. If u fastin to please God...go n eat... God dont need dont fast to please Him.. FAstin n prayers is meant to be a back up like memorisin scripture.... One day you are in teh middle of a problem n u do not have ur bible wit u.. wat d u do??
u pray now for a far off need maybe like maybe u be CEO some day... u begin prayin abt it now... (Fastin is a whole sermon on its own). Just like we take leave n g osomewea n enjoy....we could take time-off from our indulgences - foods, friends, work, ministry etc - to go bond n hear frm God.
Fastin again at times could be th equickenin of God u go on a time of fastin, So fastin is power of God in You......
my last comments
There we have ... 6 sources of the Power of Christian..
So.. Where do u get the power or strength to run you... its either all or nothin by the way...
So wht do u run by.. what do i run by..
Because we in a christian's life.. it is all in the RUN.. n it is important how you run.. as in run like you know wat u doin..
The End
Shared by Warhia Heb 3:13 At the Mwafrika chatroom on Friday Sept 11, 2009