Thursday, November 12, 2009

WHO I AM I THAT I SHOULD GO:: Shared By Niceness

And now the cry of the Israelites has reached me, and I have seen the way the Egyptians are oppressing them. So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt. But Moses said to God, "Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt (EXODUS.3)

I thank God for the book of Exodus, I hope we all know the story of Moses, born from house of Levi brought up by pharaohs daughter, killed an Egyptian, fled to Midian where he met and married Zipporah, met with God at Horeb where he was sent back to Egypt to deliver the Israelites.

Mhhh! “Who am I that I should go”. Moses conversation with God in the mountain was all about him arguing the reasons why he should not be the one, however like always Gods word was final; I wonder how many times we have argued with God? I have, but he always wins.

Exodus reveals how God knows us from our mother’s womb and plans our lives a head of us. In Midian, it was planned by God that he will go there and be taught Gods way by Jethro his father in law. He needed to know his God first before introducing him to the world, to pharaoh. But in this place had become so comfortable, even had a family of his own such that he dint want to take the next step of faith towards his destiny, resulting to the argument with God (But Moses said to God, "Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?)

What does this mean? He may have being looking after goats at the time, but his call was not to be a shepherd in that town, he had being called to be a deliverer, but shepherding was part of the journey.

Church of God, some people are in their location of their assignment, they have gone to Jethro and being taught and has now gone back to deliver that assignment and I thank God for you. But on the other hand, many are in Moses shoes at the time, comfortable with where we are and actually have been fooled into thinking that is all there is. Shepherding and going back to the family is not all God had fro Moses, NO! More fun was to follow, like dividing the sea among others.

I want to encourage some one today, wherever you are at the moment is path best days, and the shaking and sending few drops of tears is part of it, for on our way we get attached to places and things, but in order to go to the next level we have to leave them behind. Most of the time we even argue like Moses, BUT please may we not delay our blessing knowing that at the end of our resistance to his voice, Our awesome God always get it his own away! AMEN.

He says “Am not a man that I should lie”. Therefore, every thing that he has spoken concerning you, it shall happen. Most of the time, prophesy and the current situation always looks so different. Moses is to deliver Israel from Egypt, but he is on asylum in a foreign country. Do not let what you are going through determine the result, stand in faith and let God do his work. DO NOT GIVE UP!The massage is don’t argue with God, if he wants you in that place, stay there. If he decides that your time is up, you need to pack and move in a foreign land or back to the previous one, do it because that’s where your assignment is. He don’t always reveal the full picture, we might be so excited or too afraid to act, so he needs us to TRUST in him, and walk the walk until we find our selves there and mature enough to handle the blessings.

There are people out there in captivity, there are situation out there that need to be confronted, Justice that need to prevail, Poverty that have to be abolished, sins in the society such as abortion and homosexuality that need to bow down to righteousness. God is preparing you “for these pharaohs”, that’s why you are on the run, that’s why you are in a foreign environment to learn, that’s why God has placed some Jethros in your life to teach you , that’s why you feel inadequate, (Moses and his speech problem) so that Gods power can be manifested you. So do not ask “who am I that I should go?” You are the one that has being set apart for that purpose. AMEN!!

who has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time, (2timothy 1:9)


Shared by Niceness At the Mwafrika chatroom on Friday Nov. 6, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009

His Temptation Our Temptation :: From "My Utmost For His Highest"

Hebrews 4:14therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, jesus the son of god, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. 15for we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin. 16let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

Until we are born again, the only kind of temptation we understand is the kind mentioned in james 1:14, "each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed." but through regeneration we are lifted into another realm where there are other temptations to face, namely, the kind of temptations our lord faced. The temptations of jesus had no appeal to us as unbelievers because they were not at home in our human nature. Our lord’s temptations and ours are in different realms until we are born again and become his brothers. The temptations of jesus are not those of a mere man, but the temptations of god as man.

Through regeneration, the son of god is formed in us (see galatians 4:19 ), and in our physical life he has the same setting that he had on earth. Satan does not tempt us just to make us do wrong things— he tempts us to make us lose what god has put into us through regeneration, namely, the possibility of being of value to god. He does not come to us on the premise of tempting us to sin, but on the premise of shifting our point of view, and only the spirit of god can detect this as a temptation of the devil.

Temptation means a test of the possessions held within the inner, spiritual part of our being by a power outside us and foreign to us. This makes the temptation of our lord explainable. After jesus’ baptism, having accepted his mission of being the one "who takes away the sin of the world" ( john 1:29 ) he "was led up by the spirit into the wilderness" ( matthew 4:1 ) and into the testing devices of the devil. Yet he did not become weary or exhausted. He went through the temptation "without sin," and he retained all the possessions of his spiritual nature completely intact.

For Similar Resources... read.

Shared at the Mwafrika Chatroom on October 30, 2009.


The sermon is mainly derived from Rick Warrens book Purpose Driven Life ….

I will start by asking why are u here on earth for? Just ask yourself that question.

In the book of Ephesians :
Tells us that for we are God’s workmanship .created in Jesus Christ to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do.

We were put on earth to make a contribution but not to consume resources. God designed you to make a difference with your life were created to add to life on earth, not just take from it.God wants to you to give something back.

This is one of God’s purposes for your life, and it is called your Ministry’ or servic.The bible gives us the details

1) u were created to serve God
the bible says God had created us for life of good deeds, which he has already prepared for us to do” these good deed are your service. Whenever u serve others in any way you are actually serving God. and fulfilling one of your purpose.

What God told Jeremiah is also true for us all.. ‘Before u were born, i set you apart in your mothers womb, I chose you, before u were born iet you apart for a special work” you were’
You were placed on this planet for a special assignment.

II) you were saved to serve God
The bible sys, it he who saved us and chose us for his holy work not that was this plan.
God redeemed you so you could do his ‘holy works’ you are not saved by service, but you are saved for service. In God’s kingdom you have a place, a purpose, a role and a function to fulfill. This gives your life great significance and value.

It cost Jesus his own life to purchase your salvation. We don’t serve God out of quilt or fear or even duty, but out of joy, and deep gratitude for what he’s done for us. We owe him our lives. Through salvation our past has been forgiven, our present is given meaning and our future is secured. In light of these incredible benefits Paul concluded because of God’s great mercy.. Offering yourselves as a living sacrifice to God, dedicated to his services”

Have u ever wondered why God doesn’t just immediately take us to heaven the moment we accept his grace? Why does he leave us in a fallen word? He leaves us to here to fulfill his purpose. Once you are saved, God intends to use you for his goal. God has a ministry for you in his church and a mission for u in the world.

III) you were called to serve God

Growing up you may have thought that being ‘called by God was something ony missionaries, pastors, us and others ‘full fill’

Some people may try to serve God in hopes that this will either earn them eternal salvation or help them hang on to it. Of course, this is contrary to the grace of God in salvation and in sanctification (Eph. 2:8-9; Gal. 3:1-9).

Serving God – Making it PersonalReflect: I would encourage you to spend some time reflecting on your own spiritual walk to this moment in time. We have much to learn from the circumstances of our past. These situations have molded us into the people we are today. We need to be able to recognize God’s involvement along that path with grateful hearts. I challenge you to recognize that you are learning from the Master Himself every day as He personally takes you by the hand and points your way. Take a look at all the “coincidences” of your life and you will soon see God’s pattern. Be sure to journal your findings, as one day they will all make perfect sense.

Point to ponder: service is not optional

Shared by Sharniz At the Mwafrika chatroom on Friday Oct 23, 2009


Read Mark 10:46-52

The story is straight forward, the man had been blind (probably all his life). His life must have been one long routine, sitting by the roadside and begging. On this day he heard a crowd… he must have initially told himself … leo nime angukia, nitapata kitu ya kishua!! However as information filtered through he had that it was Jesus and immediately started calling out for Him. He did not just call out but also placed his request to Jesus as well. Verse 47, When he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to shout, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!"

However, it is recorded that many rebuked the blind beggar telling him to keep quiet, BUT… he shouted all the more… Son of David, have mercy on me!

As candid as the blind man was with his request to Jesus, so was Jesus with His request from the blind beggar, verse 51"What do you want me to do for you?" Jesus asked him. And the man was clear in his mind about what he wanted, his immediate reply?? Rabbi, I want to see.

Lets stop for a moment and think about this situation and our lives. Many of us have ‘issues’. We may not be blind but we have struggled or are struggling with some darkness in our lives. Probably its your relationships, your financial status may be health or just your walk with Christ.You know that Jesus is always available to you and have been calling out to Him to have mercy on you!! But the crowd has kept us at bay. The crowd could be your brethren, your parents, your siblings… indeed the crowd could also be inside you, your doubts, your lack of faith, you logic or your impatience. Lets learn a quick lesson from the beggar!! When the crowd tried to bring him down, he shouted all the more… have you done that? What do you do when things seem not to be going your way? What do you do when you seem to trapped in one long routine? Do you shout the more or do you look for your ‘own’ solutions? Do you reason out with yourself and the world, sometimes even compromising your faith? Hear me out my brothers and sisters calling out the more is not just a matter of repeating your selfish prayers (prayers based on what you want rather than what you need, prayers based on mere prosperity rather than the will of God) calling out the more is seeking God earnestly, developing your relationship with Him, engaging with Him through out, involving Him in all that we do, knowing His purpose in you … in so doing your faith in Him grows and it is recorded that without faith you cannot please God (Heb 11:6)… that’s a sermon for another day.

That’s not the only lesson from the blind man… after calling out and Jesus seeking Him out Jesus asked him what he wanted… and the blind beggar was quick with His answer!! My dear brothers, after calling out to God in the right way and pleasing God by your growing faith well then Jesus turns to you and asks what you want done for you!! How many of us have reached this level of relationship with JC hadi anatuuliza, naweza ka kuduia what? And yet because of our spiritual insensitivity have ended up missing out on the question… or may be we jusy get caught up with the crowd and just do not hear Jesus ask.

Brethren, lets call out to Jesus all the more (through prayer, bible reading, study of the bible, continued meditation on the Word of God and through fellowship with believers) and also lets build up our spiritual sensitivity to hear Jesus speak to us and we answer appropriately.

For further study, check out the story of the Israelites exploring the promised land and the reaction of different people to what they saw and further, the CROWDS reaction to the report that was given in Numbers 13:1 to Numbers 14:4

Are you blinded and begging? Call on Jesus!!

Is the crowd putting you off? Call the more!!

Shared by Pappa At the Mwafrika chatroom on Friday Oct 16, 2009


Luke 8:40 – 48

[40] Now when Jesus returned, a crowd welcomed him, for they were all expecting him. [41] Then a man named Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue, came and fell at Jesus' feet, pleading with him to come to his house [42] because his only daughter, a girl of about twelve, was dying.

As Jesus was on his way, the crowds almost crushed him. [43] And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years, but no one could heal her. [44] She came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped.

[45] "Who touched me?" Jesus asked.

When they all denied it, Peter said, "Master, the people are crowding and pressing against you."

[46] But Jesus said, "Someone touched me; I know that power has gone out from me."

[47] Then the woman, seeing that she could not go unnoticed, came trembling and fell at his feet. In the presence of all the people, she told why she had touched him and how she had been instantly healed. [48] Then he said to her, "Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace."


Jesus and his disciples have returned to Galilee from the land of the Garasenes, and as their boat lands on the shore of lake Capernaum, a crowd is waiting (me and you). They have seen his boat from afar and have massed on the beach to welcome him.
The Press of the Crowd (8:40-42)

These pple are at the beach, Jesus's boat is coming just as he is riding in this word to the Mwafrika chatters this hour.

The bible says...there was this press of the Crowd (8:40-42). Pressing of a people in need.Jairus, is also there. He has a need for his daughter....he is pressing! The woman with the issue of blood is there....she is pressing! Me and you we are here...we are pressing!! Rent, power n water bills is the multitude today, pressing!! Joblessness, financial strains.....pressure! Broken n shaken relationships.....pressure!

Let me leave the mention of Jairus, the synagogue ruler, for now and consider him in the next lesson.
But as Jesus heads for Jairus' house to heal his daughter, the crowd is especially thick. The NIV says "As Jesus was on his way, the crowds almost crushed him" (8:42).
NB: The world we live in has a need to see Jesus!
The word "crushed" or "thronged" translated (KJV) is Greek sumpnigo, "as a hyperbolic expression for 'crowd around, press upon,' something like 'almost crush.' "[1] It is the same word used by the Gospel writers in the Parable of the Soils (8:14) to describe the thorns "choking" the wheat and making it unfruitful.

As Jesus moves toward Jairus' house, the streets are utterly jammed.
I imagine it like the crowd moving out of Kasarani Stadium at the end of a game.

Capernaum's streets are not designed to handle these kinds of crowds.
Jesus is able to push forward only with difficulty and progress is slow.
Jairus is at his side and ever-mindful that his daughter's life is slipping away every moment that is wasted.
The Woman with the Hemorrhage (8:43) ………….Issue of blood.
"And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years, but no one could heal her." (8:43)

Among the pushing, shoving, elbowing crowd this day is a pale woman.
- Pale due to bleeding,
- Pale due to Joblessness
- Pale due to financial strains……………Pale
For twelve years she has suffered from uterine bleeding and she is weak.
Mark records, "She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse" (Mark 5:26).

Have you been sick for an extended period of time? Like the Tom’s case I posted today,
Have you experienced the hopelessness of having physicians do all sorts of tests, put you through all sorts of treatments, charge huge medical bills, and leave you worse for all their doings? Occasionally this lady's friends would tell her of some doctor they had heard of in another town. When she was younger, she might make the journey to consult with them, but no longer.

She is broke and hopeless.
Why go to a doctor when nothing helps?
Her faith in doctors' remedies is long since gone.
There is no hope for her.

According to the Jewish law – she is ceremonially unclean.
Women were normally considered unclean during their period.
"When a woman has a discharge of blood for many days at a time other than her monthly period or has a discharge that continues beyond her period, she will be unclean as long as she has the discharge, just as in the days of her period.
Any bed she lies on while her discharge continues will be unclean, as is her bed during her monthly period, and anything she sits on will be unclean, as during her period.

Whoever touches them will be unclean; he must wash his clothes and bathe with water, and he will be unclean till evening." (Leviticus 15:25-27)

Anyone who knew about her illness would shun her. She couldn't go about in society and mingle in the marketplace with the other women, since a touch from her would make someone unclean. She couldn't attend ceremonial occasions, or synagogue worship. And so she resorts to secrecy. Probably she isn't even known in Capernaum.

She comes incognito, her condition carefully concealed. But she comes with determination.
Elbowing Her Way to Touch the Master's Clothing (8:44)
"She came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak, and immediately her bleeding stopped" (Luke 8:44).
Friends………it does not matter if the church recognizes u or not, the point is….Elbow ur way into the master, whether people enter Mwafrika or Facebook to “see” other people…..elbow to touch His garment.

She determines to find him and be healed.
When his boat is spotted coming towards shore she is among the crowd waiting.
When Jairus prostrates himself before Jesus begging for his daughter's life, she is not far away.
- It does not matter whether someone else want to touch Jesus
- It does not matter if you can hear other people praying,
- Go for your miracle………Leave Jairus to plead his case.
- Jesus is able
And when Jesus begins to move through the crowd toward Jairus' housethis woman is not far behind.

To reach Jesus she must push and shove and elbow her way between people when tiny openings occur. She is weak; her strength is drained, and yet she will not give up.
- Never give up when you need a miracle
- Don’t listen to pressures
- Pursue your mission
She must reach Jesus, and so she continues to wedge her body through the crowd until she comes up behind him.

She has decided in her heart, "If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed" (Mark 5:28). She doesn't want to confront him in public.

She is too ashamed to admit the nature of her illness,
- No one has a right to stop you from touching Jesus
- As long as you can see Him….push on.
This woman had to do this without revealing anything.
But she must touch him.
She must.

We too must touch Him for our issues………..
Don’t give me an attitude…..i must touch Him.

Touch the hem (His Word)
For that is where the power is.


Shared by Arms At the Mwafrika chatroom on Friday Oct 9, 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009


Romans 6:16 (NIV) Don't you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey—whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness?

1. As Christians we are Truly blessed…
· "A person reborn", he is provided the opportunity to live a new life
· "Belonging to the Lord", he is God's special child
· "Living by faith", he walks with God
· "Consecrated to God", he has been set apart to live a holy life
· "Guarded by the power of God", he is not alone in his struggle against the powers of Satan and the evil world in which we live

2. But with blessings come responsibilities...
a. There are obligations that come with our new opportunities
b. There are duties that come with our new calling

3. Indeed, the Christian has been called to serve God...
a. We have been "Saved To Serve" - cf. He 9:14; 12:28
b. It is only "reasonable" we be expected to serve God - Ro 12:1
c. Each person has a ministry (service) we are expected to fulfill - Col 4:17; 2Ti 4:5

[Thus the concept of "servitude" or "servanthood" is a significant partof what it means to be a Christian. That our service to God might bemore acceptable and fruitful, consider...]


1. The title of "servant" was what many great men in the O.T. were called
a. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob - Deut 9:27 ("Thy servants")
b. Moses - 1Ki 8:53 ("Thy servant")
c. Joshua - Josh 24:29 ("Servant of the Lord")
d. Caleb - Num 14:24 ("My servant")
e. Job - Job 1:8 ("My servant")
f. Isaiah - Isa 20:3 ("My servant")
g. The prophets - Jer 7:25 ("My servants")

2. New Testament writers referred to themselves as "servants"...
a. James - Jm 1:1
b. Paul - Ro 1:1; Php 1:1
c. Peter - 2Pe 1:1
d. Jude - Jude 1
e. John - Re 1:1

1. He was foretold to come as the "Suffering Servant" - Isa 52:13-53:12
2. He "did not come to be served, but to serve" - Mt 20:28; Php 2:7
3. Even as our Lord and Master, He exemplified the servitude He desires of His disciples - Jn 13:12-17

[What an honor, if God were to look upon us as "His servants" as He didthese great men, including His own Son, Jesus Christ! He will, if weput into practice...]


1. In a slave-master relationship...
a. The slave knows no law but his master's word
b. He has no rights of his own
c. He is the absolute possession of his master
d. He is bound to give his master unquestioning obedience

2. Does this describe our relationship to Christ?
a. It should, especially in light of 1Co 6:19-20
b. We have to come to Jesus on HIS terms, not our own - Lk 6: 46; Mt 7:21

1. Otherwise, absolute obedience is not possible
a. When we have a humble opinion of ourselves, we are receptive to the idea of complete obedience
b. For example, consider Paul's self-estimation - 1Co 15:9-10; Ep 3:8; 1Ti 1:15

2. Does this describe our relationship to Christ and His Will?
a. Jesus said it should! - Lk 17:10
b. But if we murmur or complain about what Jesus tells us to do, can we really be considered "servants"?


1. Since we become servants FREELY, it should be expected that we:
a. Are to be loyal to Him first - cf. Ga 1:10
b. Do not consider our own profit or preference important, but that of the One we freely serve!

2. It is amazing how any can claim to be servants of the Lord Jesus Christ, while:
a. Complaining about having to do the will of God, OR...
b. Being negligent or slothful in carrying out His will

3. Yet some act as though they are being forced against their own will!
a. They don't "have to" serve the Lord Jesus...
1) Of course, the alternative is not very inviting
2) If we don't serve Jesus, by default we serve Satan, and are destined for hell!
b. But God by His grace has offered salvation, and how dare we ever grumble or complain that He calls us to life of service in grateful appreciation!

[That we not be negligent in our service, be aware of some...]



1. Jesus warned we cannot serve both God and Mammon - Mt 6:24
2. Serving the wrong things will render us fruitless - Lk 8:14
2. Paul illustrated we can only serve the one we obey - Ro 6:16


1. Some limit how, where, and when they will serve
a. As Moses tried to do - Exo 3:10,11
b. Many will serve God, but only when convenient

2. Some limit who they will serve
a. As Jonah tried to do - Jon 1:1-3
b. Many will serve God, but not when it means serving others (especially people we don't like)


1. Such as sluggishness and laziness - cf. He 6:11,12; Mt 25:26

2. Such as ingratitude - cf. 2Co 8:9; Php 2:5-7
a. Which often comes when we forget how graciously we have been served
b. We like service with a smile; are we willing to give service with a smile?

3. Such as pride or self-centeredness
a. As when self-pity affected Elijah - 1Ki 19:13-18
b. As when some preached Christ out of envy - Php 1:15-18
c. As when some seek for recognition, praise - Mt 6:1-4 - Humility and unselfishness are basic prerequisites for servanthood - Ac 20:19; Php 2:3-4


1. The Christian has been "Saved To Serve"...
a. Called to serve God and the Lord Jesus Christ
b. Called to serve his brethren and those in the world -- It is a noble calling, one that we should accept with humility and gratitude

2. If one chooses not to serve God...
a. Then they remain a slave to sin - Ro 16:16a
b. And the end of such slavery is eternal death - Ro 6:16b

3. But when one chooses to serve God...
a. Their servitude leads to righteousness - Ro 16:16c
b. And the end of such service is eternal life

- Ro 6:22 May what the apostle Paul wrote of the brethren in Rome be true of allof us today... "But God be thanked that though you were slaves of sin, yet you obeyed from the heart that form of doctrine to which you were delivered. And having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness." (Ro 6:17-18)

Have you been set free from sin, that you might serve Jesus Christ? - cf. Ro 6:1-7

Shared by Tatuu At the Mwafrika chatroom on Friday Oct 2, 2009

Friday, September 25, 2009

Our Inner Spirit & How It Grows :: Shared By Pappa

Our lesson today will address generally the feeding of OUR spirit.We shall just share briefly on this...
The basic text is Phil 4:8
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

That verse transformed my life and my perspective to it.

At creation God's intention for creating man was worship and fellowship with Him. We were to tend His creation. God's perfect plan!!
However, man fell ... We know the story

The general drift of my message is about the spirit that indwells us.

When we are born, we all have the "worldly spirit" (for the lack of a better expression), roho ya Adam - for our purposes today lets call this the wordly spirit.

When we are born again, God's spirit is reawakened in us, that does not mean the worldly spirit disappears. After all we are still in the world (but not of the world). Again for our purposes today we'll call that the Godly Spirit.

I put it to you that how we live our lives, every second, every minute dictates how our walk with Christ will be. Essentially how our inner spirit will evolve.

Now these two 'spirits' are 'feed' by matters about us. Recall the scripture - Phil 4:8? This is a call about what to set our mind on. The other day as we were at the Mwaombi, we were reminded to set our minds on things above.

COL 3: 1Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 2Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.

So that begs the question, if these two 'spirits' are 'feed' by matters about us, then how are they feed?

By the same senses that God has given us! The same way He gave Adam a choice to obey i.e. “you may eat of all the fruit in the garden except from the tree in the middle of the garden”, is the same way these senses are for us and we have been called to obey.

What we see, hear, taste, touch na pia smell contributes alot to the feeding of these 'spirits'. Indeed, what we set our minds on!!!

Hebu toune:
If you spend your entire evening watching TV and five minutes in prayer, what would you believe the effect would be? 0r spend the entire morning reading the newspaper and two minutes reading the bible?

Let me put it this way, these 'spirits' do not grow in unison - they are inversely related!!! When one is fed it grows while the other is malnourished!

See, instead of struggling to deal with the worldly spirit, the important thing is to allow God's spirit to grow. When that happens the worldly spirit is malnourished!! What do we usually pray, as Jesus said … that Lord may you increase as we?

One thing that we ought to know and really learn is that right now we are in the world. What that means is that our environment is only fertile for the worldly spirit to grow. Indeed it takes no effort for the wordly spirit to grow. Uki kaa tuu, ita grow bila effort. We are bombarded from kila side. I bet you thats why its easier mse kukuambia "go to hell" than it is to say "God bless"

What’s the point? Let’s not spend too much effort running away from the world, all the effort should be based on embracing God.

The more we read about Him, the more we talk to Him, the more we use all our senses in running to Him - the more He will "run" to us.

When the bible says in James 4:8

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded.

It does not mean that God yuko away! It means that we set our hearts on Him, that we strengthen hio bond, that tuwache kuwa double minded.

As we draw near to Him, our eyes will be opened wider of His very presence with us!!! His spirit in us will grow soooooo big, we shall be a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to Him - after all He cannot deny Himself!!!!!

Yaani, the wordly spirit will be soo malnourished: utakuwa na issues all around you – ndio; utakuwa na shida za kidunia – ndio; lakini they will have no hold on you!! Utabaki ka Paul, I know what it is to have much, and I know what it is to lack. Uta kuwa ukisema with authority: greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world! You will be walking with God.

So ndugu na dada zangu:
Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Ule mse aliandika hizo words alikuwa amefungwa jela, ame chapwa, amepitia all manner of storms! What made him strong? He set his mind on things above! He who was in him was sooooooooo much greater than he who was in the world.

So today, I am encouraging you so greatly, review how you are feeding your 'spirit'. Which is growing at the others expense? Take a spiritual health check and see how you are doing.

And like Paul said ... I say to you:
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

God richly bless you as you grow in Him.

Shared by Pappa At the Mwafrika chatroom on Friday Sept 25, 2009

PS: For spiritual health check tool, get in touch with Pappa.

Friday, September 18, 2009

FAITH In God:: Shared By Arms ...

SERMON: Romans 10:17 (NKJV) So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

How does Faith work?

It is important to understand that faith is foundational to a good relationship between us and God.It does not usually operate along a predictable path. If we wish to follow it, faith requires our attention to the leading of the Holy Spirit.True Christian faith is not static. It should be dynamic and ever expanding.Faith must be exercised to gain a workable knowledge of it.Christian faith is not easy to comprehend.

Hebrews chapter 11, verse 6 begins, “Without faith it is impossible to please God.”

Example:- Prayer. We pray because we have an assurance that God exists, that He is willing to listen to us, and that there is a possibility that He will answer the request. We have this assurance because we have read about God answering prayer in the Bible or we because have seen Him answer prayers.

Different Levels of Christian Faith

1. Intellectual faith – Our Intellectual faith is the starting point. It is the mental act of believing Biblical truths that cannot be proved by man.
Example:- Intellectual faith is based on the truths we have read or have been taught.

2. Saving faith – A revelation from the Holy Spirit that convinces us that God alone is able to redeem us from the condemnation of original sin. At some time in our lives the Holy Spirit will bring us to a point where we realize that we are a sinners in desperate need of redemption. Saving faith is when we act upon the Gospel of Christ that we have intellectually accepted as truth. At that point we are born again. We are now a new creature in Christ. The Holy Spirit enters us and dwells in us. He opens our eyes to receive spiritual truth that we were previously blind to. We can now experience God first hand. The Holy Spirit is the part of God that actually touches us. John 14:15 – 17 (NLT) “If you love me, obey my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate, who will never leave you. He is the Holy Spirit, who leads into all truth. The world cannot receive him, because it isn’t looking for him and doesn’t recognize him. But you know him, because he lives with you now and later will be in you.

Saving faith opens the door to our relationship with God. It is as significant to that relationship as a wedding is to marriage. This is where He changes us to become more and more like Him. It is important that we go on with Him. It is not good to remain at the wedding altar.

3. Working faith – The trust that we have in God as the answer to all the challenges that face us in our walk with Him. We never become truly spiritual by sitting down and wishing to become so. People who exercise to build their bodies often use the expression “no pain – no gain.” The same is true in the faith building process. God wants us to be successful in this. He will call us do things that we are capable of doing. As we succeed He will develop and stretch us to have faith in greater things. All along He will supply us with all we need. Just as importantly He will be there to help us.

Many people go to the gym regularly. They invest time and energy to condition and strengthen their bodies. It is a good thing to do. It improves health and raises energy levels so that they can function better.God leads us to exercise faith to develop us and to prove His love and faithfulness to us. Following His leading can at times be difficult and challenging.

Seeing God respond to our faith has an impact on others. How would Daniel have felt going into the lion's den if Shadrach and Abednego were consumed in the fiery furnace?

Who Benefits from Working Faith?

- God benefits. Exercising our faith provides God with an opportunity to be glorified. As God works through us He stretches our faith and is able to do greater and greater things. This, in turn, makes His power more visible to the world that so desperately needs Him.Those around us benefit.

- Unbelievers see God's love and power in a tangible way that gets their attention.

- Other believers are encouraged by how they observe God responding to our faith.

- We benefit. Experiencing His love and faithfulness first hand brings greater peace and joy into our lives. Seeing the benefit it has on those around us brings a greater sense of purpose to our lives.

It is rewarding to see God transform lives, restore relationships, heal the sick, and save the lost. We must exercise Faith as a Service to God.

It is important that all that we do for God is done with a humble heart. Any act of obedience should be done as a demonstration of love for our benevolent Master. We should always keep our place as a blessed servant of the creator of all things.

He is God and we are not!

The exercising of faith is an important part of our service to Him. As His servant, we must remember that it is our duty to respond to His commands. Our ability to hear Him grows as we spend time in His Word, in prayer, praising Him, and giving Him our attention.

Keep in mind that nothing we hear should ever be contrary to His Word or to His nature.

Also consider that it would be unfair of a just God to demand our obedience without telling us what to do.

LESSON: Faith must teach us how to discern His voice.

The End.

Shared by Arms At the Mwafrika chatroom on Friday Sept 18, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The Power Of A Christian:: The Relaunch Sermon As Shared by Warhia

Today I choose to address three kinds of ppl.. thats THREE..
1. Those that are not yet saved.
3. The Saved n growin
2. The Backslidden
na ni muhimu pia kwa ukurasa mmoja..
I donno all of us here n their spiritual status... so tunaanza na Altar call leo
So.. nani kati yetu angependa kump[okea Ysu Kristo kama Bwana na mkombozi wa maisha yake?

Word ya God haijachange.. John 3:16 is the same John 3:16 as of now... You could holla at me kwa my private msg .

MEanwhile the bible semaz that He stands knockin..N He will keep knockin - thats how His grace is patient.. do not keep him waitin...till its too late..
Too late is when His grace has run out...
So far so Good?

MEanwhile.. I will address the followin two groups of ppl..
Electronc equipments fail if they are bila power.. si ndio? Unless they are currently supplied with power ur phone charges are as useless MEanin... an Effective Christian needs to have a power source...constant power source that aint rationed. So those of us that are saved - I am - where do we draw our day to day power from?
Some gadgets like calculators run on battery....jaribu kuplug stima n it goes.. hata they aint got stima ports to begin with wich means...There are many power sources out there.. bt not all power sources power us....
ngroree so far?@ALL

Those few years av heard in salvation av learnt from great teachers n great ppl.. it is important to be watchful oin what powers you.... usikuwe unatumia battery ya PAKA POWER badala ya Chloride Exide

Now I can introduce the topic for the day... The Power Of A Christian...
How do we 'charge' n rcharge'? Where do we draw our power/strength from..

There are 6 concrete sources of power or strength for a Christian..

1. JEsus Christ in ME is power...
Whoever is in you should be greater than the one in the world

If Christ is not in You then you are probably running on temp power...which means u may be goin down any time soon And the only way to experience JEsus power in You is through salvation.
John 1:10-12..HE came to his own but his own did not accpet him... but to those that received him he gave the mandate to be called sons of God (paraphrase)
If u are saved.. u are one step ahead...

2. Holy Spirit of God in You is Power
John 4:24 teaches us that for us to be the true worshippers we copnfess tp be we need to be
worshippers in TRUTH n in SPIRIT. The Holy Spirit is the very essence of God. Without the Holy Spirit we cannot realize our giftings. The Holy SPirit of God helps you to maintain a Mwamba Focus. The Holy SPrit of God is a great Teacher in short, we ask for the fillin of the Holy Spirit from God..its in askin that we receive... niguo?
Movin on.. Galatians 5:16-25 has a great text on The Holy Spirit.. First... the text teaches n quickens us that we should walk in the Spirit so that we may not fulfil the desires of the flesh. VERY IMPORTANT. so it is fair to say that some of us r saved for some time n we still struggle from some baggage/addiction, we need a revistin of the Holy Spirit, not in half but in full. Walk in the SPirit.. Maintain in The Spirit... Dont walk in n out of the Spirit.. it wil be tragic for u out there walkin bila spirit ya God. So.. be watchful...

So far tumeona
1. Jesus Christ in Me is power... we are listin the sources of the Power of a Christian..
2. THe Holy SPirit in Meis power

So that takes us to Number 3..

3. The Word of God in Me is POWER
We go to skull even while over fifty jears because we value knowledge. You cannot tell me u are saved n cant remember the color of ur bible. We ought to work on our Salvation for it to bear fruit. I know most of us - atleast mimi - when we got saved thot its a ticket outta hell! But jus like we have manuals for electric gadgets God has given us a Manual for Basic
Instructions Be4 Livin Earth.
What does th bible sema in Hebrews 4:12? The Word of God is sharper than a double edged its a weapon. USE IT!
N God has been gracious enough to even grant us a manual He has personally inspired via His Holy Spirit n we sema God aint gracious..

So the Word of God is supposed to be a weapon.. Use a shield. The Word of God teaches, instructs, warns.. guides. So.. u are saved - fine - what manual do u run by? 2 Timothy 3:16 says "16All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking,
correcting and training in righteousness," Al give us more references.. PSalms 119:105 (His Word is a light unto our feet n light unto our
paths... Ephesisans 6:12-17.. the Full Armour


John 1:1-3. In teh beginnin there was the Word.. n the Word was with God.. n the Word was

I know most of us if not all already jua a zillion verses on faith coz the times we live in are hard like that. Faith in ME is POWER.

Without Faith we cannot please God.. Period.
There is FAITH.... then there is works.. but FAITH bila Works aiwes mek... in our day to day lives...has faith behind it. Which brings me to this query. What Faith runs you??
Put ur trust on man n woe to you.. how much more if u put ur faith on man?
The good Lord is gracious enough to not give us a headache on workin on our faith. He just requires us to have a mustard seed size of faith.. n mountains are moved.. But be careful ye of little faith... dont have a mustard seed faith n have that ur comfort zone..
work on increasin Ur faith by feedin on the word of God. Feed Your faith with the Word..MEmorise scripture to beef up ur faith in Christ.

Faith to a Christian is like Fuel in a moti aka car. A car cant move no inch bila fuel.. infact it will stall katikati ya barabara kama kuna jam.. Si ndio Dinah?? Do not b jus READERS fo the Word but be DOERS....n u achieve this thro faith. Again.. Wateva faith runs u is important..
Not all cars run on diesel....others like Phce's tuk tuk run on rum....others run on Petrori...
So again be watchful on what faith you subsribe. Just because a faith u subscribe says JESUS JESUS dont mean it will get u to heaven... I hope tunaelewana? Not every one that calls JEsus will see the Kingdom of be watchful n keen esp on the churches we attend.. n fellowship at.. SAWA?

More scriptural readin 1 John 5:4-6

FAith.. is what we have as FAther Abraham...90 years n no kid yet God refers to Abraham as His Friend, FAther of many nations. Faith is wat happend to Enoch of old - Genesis 5:20-24.. the jamaa walked with God till he was no more...

You gotta have FAITH!!!!!

Point number 5...

5. PRAYER in You is POWER...

We aint got it coz we havent asked. I know we say God is all knowin kwani hawezi jiambia ama kuona nina ubao akasort hiyo pizza pande hii? When God asks us to ask of Him.. it dont mean He donno wat we want.. He jus desires us to submit... He want us to be part of the miracle...So You ask .. HE will do the providin... its called TEAM EFFORT

Prayer is a Christian Life.. What is prayer kwanza... PRayer is simply talkin to n WITH God. I say talkin WITH because PRayer is supposed to be TWO WAY... most times its us doin the talkin.. n we talk to God too much we dont even hear His still small voice answerin our prayers... We forget that He too wants to talk... most times we go on fastin because we need God to do somthings for us.. PRay without ceasin is wot we are asked to do. Talk to God mpaka ikuwe ni kama kawaida. JEsus Taught the disciples how to do it... U dont need to be official.. God is God but remember He is a friend since He sticks closer than a brother - proverbs 18:24.. By the way, when did u guys last pray the Lord's Prayer?? :food-for-thot-:

Ephesians 4:6 teaches us to make our needs known to Him.. in prayre n supplication....
Matthew 6:33... Ask n it shall be given unto you...Seek u shall find.. Knock n it wil be opn to you... At times i know we pray n we do not recieve... The book of JAmes chapter 4 tells us why we dont receive... coz we pray so we go fulfill our own desires... it is my prayer that whatever we ask of God will be that which brings Him glory... Phil 4:19.. n He shall supply all ur needs accordin to His reaches in glory... Soo all we need... is ASK...

Be part of the miracle..pray.. converse with God.. n give him time pia aonge... Ephesians 6:18 is an additional task..
Movin on to my 6th n last point on The Sources of The Power of A Christian...

FASTING is power in ME
Am yet to find out in the bible where God addresses fastin on what it is... All over in the book ISaiah chapter 58... the bible starts like "When You fast.." Meanin we are expected to fast as part of our christian growth. I mean.. Jesus Himself being God-man yet he fasted some 40 days (am sure there are other fasts he did not mentioned)... how much more we?

FAstin is normally food related.. but that is not it... Fastin is simply time-off to go bond with God... FAsting is time off ur usual indulgences so u create an environment within that focuses wholly on God... Thats wat fastin is.... Mi si passie soooo am givin it as it is given frrom Above eh!!

But fastin is important.. Fastin makes your inner resources (for lack of better words) sharper towards God n things of God... U rem some demons that couldnt be chased because the particular type of demon as JEsus sed dotn chuck off till u fast??

Now... we need to learn somthin abt fastin... - N for the record.. i struggle too in fastin soo u r hearin this frm someone yet to be thoroughly disciplined in this field eh.. But most of us fast when we need a miracle NOW!!!

Tell me somthin, the disciples of Jesus are havin war with some demons that wont just listen to them, is that time the right time to fast??? when u are havin a drama be4 u??

Fastin n prayer go hand in hand by the way. If u fastin to please God...go n eat... God dont need dont fast to please Him.. FAstin n prayers is meant to be a back up like memorisin scripture.... One day you are in teh middle of a problem n u do not have ur bible wit u.. wat d u do??

u pray now for a far off need maybe like maybe u be CEO some day... u begin prayin abt it now... (Fastin is a whole sermon on its own). Just like we take leave n g osomewea n enjoy....we could take time-off from our indulgences - foods, friends, work, ministry etc - to go bond n hear frm God.

Fastin again at times could be th equickenin of God u go on a time of fastin, So fastin is power of God in You......

my last comments
There we have ... 6 sources of the Power of Christian..
So.. Where do u get the power or strength to run you... its either all or nothin by the way...
So wht do u run by.. what do i run by..

Because we in a christian's life.. it is all in the RUN.. n it is important how you run.. as in run like you know wat u doin..

The End

Shared by Warhia Heb 3:13 At the Mwafrika chatroom on Friday Sept 11, 2009

The Relaunch ...